We provide indoor training sessions at Node Building from September to May, and outdoor sessions at Nobelparken from June to August.
Indoors (September – May)
We are located indoors at Node Building (Ideon Science Park) at Mobilvägen 10, 223 63 Lund, as you see in the map below:
The entrance to the group training room located at the South-West part of the building. Please, check the pictures below and watch the YouTube Video which shows the instructions from “Telefonplan” tram station. Please, contact us if you have any question on how to access the building.

Node building has available facilities you can use:
- Luxurius Sauna
- Showers
- Locker room
- Fast WiFi for Internet Access (Network ID: FORMSTARK LUND 5G, scan QR on the doors of Locker Rooms to access it)
- Coffee & Milk (free) – you can order it when you come for training via our booking system!
Please, check the video below for our facilities:
Outdoors (June – August)
Our outdoor location is at Nobelparken (Brunnshög), either directly at or adjacent to the outdoor gym area, as indicated on the map and in the image below: